Skills Canada 2015 Provincial Competitions

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21st Annual Provincial Competitions April 15th 2015 at Tradex, Abbotsford

Date Posted: April 22, 2015

Since 1994, SkillsBC has been providing thousands of students ranging from elementary to post secondary with the opportunity to watch their peers showcase trades & technology skills and compete for gold in these Olympic-style contests.

Competition areas are divided into training/grade levels with qualified competitors from post secondary institutions being chosen by their instructors, and with the majority of the secondary and middle school competitors qualifying through the wining of gold medals at the Regional Competitions.

Every year qualifying BC National medalists have the opportunity to become part of Team Canada which represents our country at the World Skills Competition, or the World Skills Americas Competition held on alternate years.

Hundreds of volunteers from around BC, including those that make up the Provincial Technical Committees, put in thousands of hours developing and judging the competition areas; mentoring student competitors; and setting up the annual Provincial Competition.

The Provincial Competition hosts the largest Trades & Technology Career Fair in BC! The Pathway to Careers Fair provides career development resources to students from education, government & industry representatives.
Trades & Technology First Hand activities provide hands on experiences for the thousands of visitors & spectators who attend the Provincials.

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